Thursday, December 22, 2011

Scandalous Nixon

                     by Robert Rizatto Taken on 3/27/08

                                 The Watergate Scandal was the ideal story to show the power and importance of                   journalism to uncover the truth. The story was covered by two young newly assigned Post reporters. bob Woodward 29, & Carl Bernstein 28. The two tag team reporters would later be named "Woodstein" and would become two journalist legends.
After a four month investigation behind the scandal Woodstein covered solid evidence showing that the White House had dubbed "third rate burglary." The two reports had all of their information and facts towards their belief in the White House burglary by an anonymous source at the time named Deep Throat. Deep Throat turned out to be the 2nd ranked FBI agent at the time of the story recently uncovered in 2005. it was said that Deep Throat had "extremely sensitive attenaes" that could hear any sort of conspiracy at political center.  The Post giving very strong accusations about the White House burglary found itself alone in its in depth, truth searching reporting of the story. Other newspapers felt the Post was maybe overplaying the story, and thought that maybe it just wasn"t that big of a deal. Instead other papers just wrote stories based on the official statements from the governments public relation, un aware of the deception behind the scenes. On July 1974 with hlp from the Judicial, Legislative, & Judicial system House of Representatives voted three articles of impeachment. Charged Nixon for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress for defying committe subpoenas.  President Nixon would eventually resign when news came out of tape proving his guilt was erased manually. Nixon was the first and only president to ever resign.
Image: 'SF Chronicle, Aug 9, 1974
picture by Joanne Fog on 10/31/09

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